At Sea. On Board. On Shore.
Harvested by our fishermen. Landed on our vessels. Processed in our facilities. From beneath the waves to our customer's door, Lund's is there.
Seafood as it should be.
Lund’s Fisheries is a world-renowned seafood company that has been trusted and relied on for over 60 years. With locations on both the East and West Coasts of America, Lund’s is a leader in fin fish, scallops, and is the only domestic producer of all three U.S. squid species. At Lund’s, you can expect nothing but the freshest, highest quality seafood products available.

Our Sea Legend brand products provide a spectrum of premium products at value pricing. Whether it is MSC Certified Wild Caught Product of USA, or ASC Certified Farm Raised products, the Sea Legend brand has the product to meet your customers quality standards.
Featured Products


Lund's offers Sustainably Wild Caught USA Scallops, Seafood Market ® Scallops with Sauce, Faroe Island, Imported Farm Raised Scallops and more.


As the only domestic producer of 3 squid fisheries, Lund's Sea Legend brand offers a range of options for operators including USA Longfin MSC and California Market Squid.


Lunds Fisheries offers a variety of fresh and frozen finfish products including Salmon, Atlantic Cod, Monkfish, Black Sea Bass, and Summer Flounder.
About Lund's Fisheries
At Sea
Lund’s fleet of vessels and knowledge of the ocean deliver sustainable superior quality seafood to our customers. Since 1954 the Lund’s Fisheries brand and products have inspired trust and confidence world-wide due to our unrelenting focus on Quality and staying true to our Wild Caught model.

On Board
Lund’s is aboard not only our own vessels, but also many of the independent vessels with whom we work. We understand the needs of fishing vessels, and supply a complete range of ship chandlery products, and a wide range of services including cranes and heavy equipment. Pictured here are our bait products as they appeared in an episode of ’The Deadliest Catch' on the Discovery Channel.

On Shore
With harvesting and processing facilities in four ports on two coasts and high-capacity seafood processing and cold storage capacity, Lund’s stays with the seafood it sells every step of the way, starting below the waves to your door to ensure the very highest quality.
Committed to EXCELLENCE
A Focus on Relationships, Quality, and Sustainability Guides Us

Lund’s business philosophy is focused on building and maintaining long term relationships with our customers and suppliers. Being a family owned and operated business, trust and confidence is most important to us and we strive to maintain the highest levels of quality and integrity in our relationships. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your experience with Lund is positive, from start to finish.

With our own fishing vessels and the most modern unloading, packing and freezing equipment we offer our customers the highest quality products. Quality control is a major focus of our business and we take it seriously.

Lund’s is a leader in cooperative fisheries research and management to ensure we have a long term sustainable supply of products for our customers. We actively work with regulatory officials to ensure that fisheries are managed using sound science and that our resources are available for generations to come.